YawDyn research project

Project title: YawDyn – Validation of yield increases and load reductions in offshore wind farms by adapted dynamic wind direction tracking.



The overall goal of the YawDyn project is to reduce the energy production costs of offshore wind farms. For this purpose, two novel methods for wind direction tracking (yaw control) will be researched, validated and published, which serve to increase energy yield and reduce operating costs. Ocean Breeze Energy, operator and manufacturer of the offshore wind farm BARD Offshore 1 (BO1), together with ForWind, will scientifically investigate the novel control concepts step by step through simulations, laboratory tests and trials on onshore turbines and finally in the offshore wind farm. The focus of ForWind’s contributions is on the development and validation of dynamic wind direction tracking concepts.

Content and Methodology:

For the first method, ForWind is developing stability-dependent yaw control based on SCADA data. Here, the threshold values of the yaw control are dynamically adapted to the current flow conditions. The aim is to optimize the wind direction tracking with respect to the load on the yaw drive and power of the WT for the respective environmental condition. The second method is based on the concept of “passive wake deflection” developed by ForWind. This is being further developed by ForWind and prepared and parameterized for implementation in the WTG control system at the BO1 offshore wind farm. The method reduces the number of yaws of an upstream WT, causing a deliberate slant flow, which deflects the wake, reducing turbulence and shadowing effects on a downstream WT. ForWind will publish the methodological and scientific results and thus contribute to risk minimization in the application of novel methods for aerodynamic wind farm control in the use of offshore wind energy.


  • Project type: Joint project
  • Duration: completed (2022)
  • Financing: Funding by BMWK
  • Research Partners:


University of Oldenburg
Institute of Physics – ForWind
Dr. Vlaho Petrovic
Küpkersweg 70
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5062
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099
Email: vlaho.petrovic@uol.de

More information

Project YawDyn on EnArgus (with information on project partners)