ForWind Wind Physics Symposium 2024

by May 16, 2024News

The ForWind Wind Physics Symposium 2024 will take place on Friday, June 14, 2024 in the WindLab on the Wechloy campus of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.

Wind turbines will continue to increase in size and output over the next few years. At the same time, wind farms and wind farm clusters will increase in size and number. The interaction of the turbines with the atmospheric boundary layer and the influences of turbines, parks and clusters on each other will have far-reaching consequences. Energy yield, loads and grid integration will depend on improved planning, operation, monitoring and control.

ForWind has been at the forefront of wind energy research for years and offers application-oriented research and scientific support for industry-oriented projects. The aim of the Wind Physics Symposium is to pass on the knowledge of our teams and researchers to the interested public. On 14 June 2024, ForWind is organizing the fourth edition of this research conference as part of OLEC Energy Week 2024. Speakers will also come from our cooperation partners Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) and DLR as well as from our international partners. In addition to the presentations, there will also be a poster session on ForWind’s current research topics.

Among the featured research topics are: global blockage effects, cluster wakes, boundary layer flow, novel rotor concepts, wake models, and minute-scale forecasting. The research methods include computational fluid dynamics on all relevant scales, validation by wind tunnel tests, field measurements and operating data as well as development of analytical and empirical models.

You can download the program here: Program_Wind_Physics_Symposium_2024

Registration for the Wind Physics Symposium 2024 is possible until June 7, 2024 by e-mail to: