PreciWind research project
Project title: PreciWind – Precise measuring system for non-contact recording and analysis of the dynamic flow behavior of wind turbine rotor blades
As part of the PreciWind project, a mobile thermographic measuring system is being developed for the continuous recording and analysis of the dynamic flow behavior of rotor blades on wind turbines during operation. The system developed for use in the open air can be used to quantify and evaluate the aerodynamic performance of operating wind turbines. The analysis of the near-surface flow conditions is realized with a geometrically high-resolution infrared camera in the long-wave radiation range. In combination with a laser distance measuring system for recording the rotor blade distance and geometry, the flow behavior during a complete rotation of the rotor is being investigated for the first time. The system makes it possible to analyze the structural dynamics of the wind turbine based on changing force effects within a rotor revolution. Using a mobile power supply, measurements can be carried out in the open field from distances of up to 300 m from the wind turbine.
- Project type: Joint project
- Duration: 2020 – 2023
- Financing: Funding by BMWK
- Research partners: Deutsche WindGuard GmbH, InfraTec GmbH,
Leibniz University Hannover
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ehrmann
Merkurstrasse 13
30419 Hanover
Tel: +49 511 762-17662

More information
PreciWind project at EnArgus (with information on project partners)