Wind energy research in the northwest

ForWind bundles university wind energy research in Lower Saxony and Bremen.

ForWind Research

ForWind works on the important issues of wind energy research in numerous research projects. The scientific spectrum ranges from meteorology and materials research to the integration of wind power into the electrical grid.

ForWind Study and Training

At ForWind, students and scientists are perfectly prepared for all challenges of the energy transition in practice-oriented projects and interdisciplinary methods. ForWind is involved in the advanced study program Wind Energy Technology and Management (‘Windstudium’), the nation’s first academic continuing education program specifically for the wind energy industry.


ForWind network

ForWind is a member of regional, national and international networks. We are helping to shape the framework conditions for developments in the wind energy industry of tomorrow and are looking for solutions to the major challenges of transforming our energy generation.


ForWind – Our mission


We are wind energy research

ForWind is the joint center for wind energy research of the universities of Oldenburg, Hannover and Bremen.

ForWind is responsible for the EFZN wind research line at the Energy Research Center of Lower Saxony (EFZN ). The EFZN is a joint scientific center of the universities of Braunschweig, Clausthal, Göttingen, Hannover and Oldenburg.

Together with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES, ForWind forms the Research Alliance Wind Energy .



ForWind is working on the important questions concerning wind energy research in numerous research projects. The scientific spectrum ranges from meteorology and materials research to the integration of wind power into the electrical grid. Research focuses on engineering, physics and meteorology, computer science and economics.


How can the turbulence in the wake of wind turbines be recorded as accurately as possible? What loads act on the support structures of offshore wind turbines? What opportunities does wind power offer for a decentralized energy supply in the future?

Here you can learn more about our research areas Resource Wind, Machine & Rotor, Support Structures, Grid as well as Production Technology.

Resource wind

The resource wind as “fuel” of wind energy determines the energy yield of a turbine and influences its lifetime. ForWind conducts research to predict wind conditions for wind farms and regions as accurately as possible. Wind potentials can be determined and expected power outputs derived from studies of large- and mesoscale weather development.

Machine and rotor

The mechanics and electrics of wind turbines are an important field of research at ForWind. Based on stochastic analyses, ForWind has developed a novel method for determining power curves. To determine the loading of rotor blades, ForWind works with models from the field of numerical simulation and with experimental measurements.

Support structures

In the field of main support structures (foundation, tower as well as their connecting parts), efficient use of materials and monitoring concepts are the focus of research. ForWind works on reliable lifetime predictions, conducts research in the field of friction-locked connections and develops intelligent approaches for turbine monitoring.


The optimal integration of the generated wind energy into the electrical grid requires new storage concepts and requires an accurate prediction of the power to be fed into the grid. ForWind conducts research especially in the field of wind power prediction and grid integration for offshore wind energy and further develops existing methods.

Production engineering

In the manufacture of products made of fiber-reinforced plastic composites(FRP), positioning accuracy or reproducibility when depositing the reinforcing textile semi-finished products or fiber bundles is a decisive quality criterion for the properties of the entire subsequent component.

Ongoing research projects

ForWind brings the findings from basic research to industry through application-oriented projects. In 20 years we have gained a lot of experience in collaborative projects with a large number of industry and research partners.

Strong in the network

Wind energy research in the north-west is brought together by ForWind and connects 30 institutes and working groups from the universities of Oldenburg, Hannoverand Bremen. ForWind thus forms a research network that is unique in Germany and covers a broad spectrum of scientific topics. Research focuses on engineering, physics and meteorology, computer science and economics.

ForWind was founded in 2003 with the support of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK). Since then, wind energy research at the universities of Oldenburg and Hannover has been combined in ForWind. In 2009, the University of Bremen joined as a new partner, allowing ForWind to once again significantly expand its research spectrum. ForWind continues to be funded by the MWK.

Scientific qualification

At all three participating universities, specialists for the wind energy industry of the future are being trained scientifically.

ForWind is a co-initiator of the European Wind Energy Master (EWEM), a transnational double degree Master’s course funded by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Master’s course from 2012 to 2018.

Associated partners from research institutes, industry and NGOs form a strong support network for our students and PhD students.

Our networks

ForWind nimmt im Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen (EFZN) die EFZN-Forschungslinie Wind wahr. The EFZN is a joint scientific center of the universities of Braunschweig, Clausthal, Göttingen, Hannover and Oldenburg.

Together with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES), ForWind forms the Research Association for Wind Energy (FVWE).

Our researchers are also involved in numerous international initiatives and organizations that are geared towards the goal of climate-friendly energy production in the future.

Study and further education

ForWind brings the findings from basic research to industry through application-oriented projects. Neben der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung industriell ausgerichteter Projekte bietet ForWind mit dem Weiterbildenden Studium Windenergietechnik und -management das bundesweit erste akademische Weiterbildungsprogramm speziell für die Windenergiebranche an.

The advanced study program Wind Energy Technology and Management (Wind Studies) is aimed at specialists and managers who want to build their future in the wind energy industry on a solid foundation of specialized knowledge and key qualifications.