Research Project Wind Farm RADAR
Project Title: Wind Farm RADAR – Validation and Demonstration of Dual-Doppler Radar Wind Field Measurements for Wind Energy Applications.
The overall goal of the Wind Farm RADAR project is to characterize and qualify a dual-Doppler wind radar for applications in wind energy use and research. To this end, four potential use cases in the wind energy industry are investigated and the suitability of using dual-Doppler radar is evaluated. These use cases are, first, verification of wind turbine load modeling and design verification, second, simultaneous power curve measurement of wind turbines within a wind farm, third, measurement of the wind field as input to wind farm control schemes, and fourth, measurement of the incoming wind field of a wind farm from ships.
Content and Methodology:
- Project type: Joint project
- Duration: 05/2025
- Financing: Funding by BMWK
- Research partner: Fraunhofer IWES
University of Oldenburg
Institute of Physics – ForWind
Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Küpkersweg 70
D-26129 Oldenburg
Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5061
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

More information
Project Windpark-RADAR on EnArgus (with information about project partners)