TransWind research project

Project title: TransWind – Transdisciplinary end-of-life analysis of wind turbines for the development of technically and economically optimal after-use strategies



Wind energy represents an important cornerstone for achieving the energy turnaround in Germany. The electricity production costs are still high in relation to the market remuneration, so that there is a need for development here. Against this background, the end-of-life issue of wind turbines ‘ i.e. the analysis and design of the time after the end of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) subsidy or after the design lifetime has been exceeded ‘ is currently of particular interest.

Content and Methodology:

In order to develop technically and economically sustainable strategies for post-EEG WTs, a joint and at least unilaterally coupled consideration of the most diverse aspects of structural dynamics, process technology, logistics, spatial planning and business management is indispensable. For example, it only makes sense to analyze the economic feasibility of continued operation through retrofitting if this is also technically possible. Therefore, within the framework of TransWind, a probabilistic, structural-dynamic model of a WT will be combined with site-specific wind simulations, spatial planning tools, and economic analyses in an interlocked modeling approach. In order to enable the automated application of this transdisciplinary approach, the modeling approach will also be implemented in a software solution, thereby taking advantage of the increasing digitization in the energy industry. The focus at the University of Hannoveris on structural dynamics, probabilistic lifetime calculation and economic modeling.


  • Project type: Joint project
  • Duration: 04/2024
  • Financing: Funding by BMWK
  • Research partners: University of Hannover – Institute for Information Systems (IWI), University of Hannover – Institute for Integrated Production


University of Hanover
Institute for Statics and Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Raimund Rolfes
Appelstr. 9a
D-30167 Hanover

Tel: +49 (0)511 / 762-2992
Fax: +49 (0)511 / 762-2236

More information

Project TransWind at EnArgus (with information about project partners)